Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Does being raised by gay parents make a child gay?

Does being raised by gay parents make a child gay? First, how are we using the term "gay"? If you mean that the child would be gay and have a greater tolerance of others, open to new ideas and lifestyles, progressive, understanding of others, accepting of others, advocate for civil rights, supporter of marriage equality, defender of human rights, appreciation of human uniqueness, believes that everyone is unique, understands that our nation was founded on uniqueness, knows that uniqueness is the backbone of our melting pot society, fights to ensure everyone has a voice, fights for those who cannot or do not have a voice or say... if that is what you mean by "gay", then yes, a child will become gay if he or she was raised by gay parents.

However, if you are using the word "gay" negatively or using it as the child's sexual preference, then you must empty your load of bull. Having gay parents does not make a child sexually attracted to the same gender. There are millions of people living throughout the world who were raised by the "standard" family of a mother and a father; however, they turned out to be gay.

I was talking with a student, John, at Brookdale Community College, and he told me that a child raised by gay parents affects the child's personal sexual preference. Where's the fucking logic in that? So, John, you are telling me that your only desire for women is all based upon your parents? So again, John, you would be a homosexual if your mother "turns" lesbian or your father "goes" gay? Interesting. Do not make assumptions unless you have been in the situation; and in this case, raised by gay parents or known someone who has.

People think they know everything without facing it.

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